Daddy-Daughter Dates, or Why I Love Evenings

Recently, Little L has begun to really enjoy Hubbs' company. Previous to this welcome turn of events, she would often cling to me and want to be with me all. the. time. She would refuse to do things solely with Hubbs, insisting that I come along or help her rather than rely on his assistance. It was exhausting...and apparently, just a phase.

Nowadays, I am the unwelcome third wheel half of the time. Little L is especially fond of going to the Richmond Oval (a huge sports arena that was built to host events for the 2010 Winter Olympics) with Hubbs. While they're there, they play a 3-year-old's version of basketball and volleyball and soccer. They also explore the various areas of the giant building, sometimes stopping to watch the various games and tournaments hosted there. Sometimes Little L just wants to ride in the car and have daddy-daughter conversations with Hubbs. They don't even go into the Oval; they just drive to the building, through the parkade, and back home again.

Another favourite activity for her is to go with Hubbs to the giant natural playground in the area. It's not my favourite kind of playground, since I prefer metal and plastic, splinter-free playground equipment. Hubbs, however, loves the look and feel of this wooden wonderland, and he and his girl have so much fun on the swings, the slides, and climbing some of the age-appropriate equipment.

Little L also likes to head to a nearby school with Hubbs to throw pine cones around the parking lot. It seems like a weird game, but she is totally into it and has spent upwards of an hour just throwing and retrieving pine cones and squealing with delight.

While they are gone, I am blessed with some quiet time to catch up on chores or FaceTime my family or shower without an audience. Sure, I may sometimes feel a teensy bit left out, but ultimately this daddy-daughter time is a blessing for everyone involved. It allows Little L and Hubbs to cultivate a healthy, close relationship, which helps with brain elasticity, self-esteem, and an increased chance of having success in multiple areas of life. Forming a positive attachment with Hubbs will help shape Little L's future relationships with men and have a positive influence on her career path and general life choices. Seriously, Google "daddy influence on daughters" and you might find yourself sucked down a bunny hole of links and research and articles all touting the virtues of a good and healthy paternal relationship on children. I'm admittedly not entirely surprised, since God did create "family" with a very specific blueprint in mind.

Anyway, I'm hoping this isn't just a phase, and that as the months and years pass, Hubbs and Little L will have many daily opportunities to bond in their own special ways. He's a great dad and she's a great kid, and it's high time that they both figure that out about each other!


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