New Games

Aside from Peekaboo, which Little L and I both find amusing, she has now been engaging in some other games that I am not quite so fond of.  Perhaps you have played these games as well?

Food Toss
Delicious food, gross food, big pieces, small pieces, liquid, doesn't matter!  If it can be thrown, it gets thrown.  On the ground.  Lightly or with force.  Near or far.  Loudly or quietly.  And when there is no food left to throw, then a tantrum is thrown instead.  Until, of course, food is accessible once more, or a defiant Little L gets to leave the table to play another game.

Toy Toss
Similar to the Food Toss, but this game involves specific Little People figurines being hurled violently into the trash bin in her bedroom.  And instead of fishing the toy out to do it again, she leaves the toy in there for Mommy to fish out, or accidentally throw out and then have to retrieve in a panic.

Usually this happens before a poop diaper change, or after any diaper change, or when Little L doesn't want to put on her socks or shoes or obey some request from Mommy or Daddy.  She is surprisingly fast for being a mere 32" tall.

Not The Mouth!
Little L likes to hear me utter these words in a high, panicked tone. To that end, she will put undesirable objects in her mouth, such as my iPhone, shoes, and baby wipes. Her palate is weird.

Why the Cry?
This one's a toughie. One moment she might decide to be fun-loving and sweet, and the next she will start randomly crying or whining. The objective is for us to guess how she feels and why, and immediately remedy the situation. I'm pretty good at this game since "boob milk" is always a default solution when I'm stumped, but Hubbs hates this game and isn't nearly as good at it as moi.

So yeah, just a glimpse into the non-stop party games happening in our home on a daily basis. Let me know if you want to come and join the fun; I need someone to pin her down and change her while I recover toys from the bin and remove food from the floor and crap from her mouth.


April McCormick said…
OK, So I was already in tears at the toy toss... but that photo of Baby L made me laugh out Loud! Momma L... I have seen that defiant little face before. Oh, yes, I see that face once or twice a day! TOO FUNNY!
Mrs. Loquacious said…
She usually has a mischievous smile when she's being defiant. And most of the time she will look me straight in the eye while doing the ol' toss, as if to dare me to stop her. She's a ballsy one!
Sharon said…
Hehehe funny one :)
Anonymous said…
What's with babies and eating shoes?!

I suspect Ashelyn knows when she's getting into something she shouldn't, because when I turn the corner to check on her, she startles and runs away giggling!

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