52 Weeks #4 - TOY-let Paper

This week I called it in. :) Actually, I had intended to do some fun things with toilet paper, but as the week progressed, I discovered that Little L already knew what she wanted to do with her roll of 3-plys. No planning necessary!

It all started when Little L bumped her knee against the wall. She wailed, and it came to me that I could use TP to "bandage" her "broken" leg. She has watched the YouTube of Chirp from the Timbuctoo series a bazillion times, so she remembered that when he was trying to figure out how to fly, he had broken and bandaged his leg. The tears immediately ceased when curiosity took over. She saw me retrieve the roll, and wondered what I was going to do to make her a cast.

It was make-shift, but she *loved* that thing and kept it on for half an hour, until it was starting to rip at the knees and become a nuisance to her squatting.

Then we invented a little game, where Little L put different figurines into the TP roll "hole" to see if they would fit. It was like a mini science experiment.

As the week went along, we did other things with the TP. We wrapped Little L up "like Curious George!" from the "Doctor Monkey" episode.

We also wrapped up her monkeys with TP. Sometimes the TP made a "diaper" for them, and other times they were near-mummified with it.

And we used the stuff to hide little figurines, too.

It wasn't an "event" but Little L loved finding a new "toy" to play with, and I suspect that we will be discovering all sorts of additional ways to use the stuff in the days to come.


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