Baby Steps and Leaps

Little L is learning to walk, y'all! And with that comes more child-proofing of the home, a task I am going to have to devote my time to in the next couple of days.  No more unsecured drawers or cupboards, I tell ya! With mobility comes greater curiosity, and the potential for even greater harm.

She began with a few tentative steps, topping out at about 6 before landing on her bottom and crawling the rest of the way.  That has been her pattern for the past few weeks.  I was hoping (secretly) that we might have a few more weeks of this.

Today, however, we had a breakthrough.  A 20-step, break-out-into-a-scuttle-run type of breakthrough, and all it took was a mirror and a strawberry.  She was holding onto the giant berry with one hand, and using the other for balance (outstretched in front of her, rather than to her side.  Odd, I know). Little L caught a brief glance at her reflection in the entryway mirror, and she was off to the races.  I guess it was highly motivating for her to watch herself take these cute itty bitty steps while noshing on her fruit, because she didn't stop walking and she didn't stop gazing at herself, either.

Squeals of laughter and delight followed shortly thereafter, when she realized that she had walked a few metres on her own.  In fact, she dropped to her knees, lifted both hands in the air, fist-pumped, and yelled.  It was highly entertaining, and luckily we even caught some of this on video.  

Anyway, this milestone happens to coincide with her ninth mental "leap," per the Wonder Weeks.  That would explain the weird clinginess, the mood swings, the mini-tantrums and fitful sleeps.  I guess all of these less-than-awesome "regressions" are preparing her to figure out "principles" and better understand rules and choices.  From what I've read, these unwanted behaviours might persist for the next 2 months.  Great.  Just what Mama needs.

So now we have steps and leaps.  What's next?


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