Recent Developments
What happened to my happy, content, quiet baby (ha! she was never quiet!)? In recent days (read: yesterday and today) she officially switched into another mode of existence. The highlights of this new mode are:
* everything goes into her mouth (including my fingers, board books, stuffies, blankies, our shag carpet)
* that which doesn't fit in her mouth leads to much loud complaining
* her new favourite position is upright on her feet with Momma or Daddy's arms bearing much of the weight; she'll only go supine if you catch her at the right time
* comfort nursing no longer works to put her down. Neither does walking around or rocking in the recliner. It's sort of a crap shoot every night.
* she isn't so fond of formula anymore, and would much prefer to nurse than to drink from the bottle (resulting in much drippage down her chin folds and into her neck folds when we do try to supplement)
* bathing is a new love for her, but only when she can knock down the soap bottle and kick at the bubbles and put bubbles in her mouth (ewww - but thank God these are SLS- and paraben-free bubbles)

* the Baby Bjorn Balance Bouncer has become a docking station now that she's big and sturdy enough to sit there and not slump down
* the exersaucer is her new favourite "docking station," (it's all the music and lights run on 9 AAA batteries) but due to her still-young age, she isn't able to be there for long before her neck gets tired of holding up her giant cranium
Just when I thought we were in a groove, her growth has thrown me for a loop. I'm so glad I'm still able to nurse her lying down though; that's the only time when I feel like I can get some proper rest!