Poked and Prodded
My darling little Baby Loquacious had her second set of shots two days ago. Poor thing got a bit panicky when she entered the nurse's office and saw the needles; Hubbs theorizes that she may have recognized the place from last time, and that this was what made her anxious.
Regardless, we did another round of Hubbs holding her while I distracted Baby L with her singing sheep. Then, immediately following the pokes, she went straight to my breast. It worked again, though I think she cried for like 9 seconds this time, and followed that up with a bit of whimpering too. At least she wasn't wailing, though the sound of children being hysterical in the other rooms around us was probably a bit unsettling for her. I told Hubbs it reminded me of when I was in early labour at the hospital and while we were waiting, I got to hear all these preggo ladies making loud horrible sounds that really interrupted my zen.
She also didn't sleep more after the immunizations (as I had hoped she might). On top of that, she ran a mild fever (37.8 measured under the armpit) and had to take some of that awful sugary Infant Tylenol (white grape flavour, my a$$!). Colour me a worried momma. Thankfully, she didn't seem fazed once she got home. She was her usual, high-pitched-squealing verbal cheerful playful giggling self.
Today, we had her well-baby appointment with the doc. No concerns whatsoever. Despite my lower milk supply and continuing need to supplement, I have a kid who is at the top of the WHO growth charts (86-99th percentiles) - thank God! She has also (praise the Lord) been spared the cradle cap, eczema, thrush, major baby acne, diaper rash and other young baby conditions (thank You Jesus!). There weren't any lingering vaccine side effects either, which I am so thankful for.
**Warning: editorial ahead**
Did you know that there are mommas out there who choose to use homeopathic vaccines instead of the scientifically-proven, safe and effective ones? Sure sure, I am certain that there are proponents of the homeopathic immunizations who will cite sources that allegedly prove their effectiveness, but until I can read scientific (non-anecdotal) studies from unbiased reputable sources replicating these supposedly favourable results, I prefer to stick with the vaccines that actually do work. This is the non-crunchy side of my parenting, the logical side that does not understand how a homeopathic "vaccine" so diluted (30C "potency") as to no longer contain even a molecule of the offending "virus" can possibly be effective. I mean, it's impossible for the body to develop antibodies if there isn't anything to respond to. However, in the 21st century, the odds of contracting some of these diseases is pretty slim anyway, so I guess the homeopath who wants to believe that their nosode of distilled water is going to keep their kids from contracting rubella will likely still have the odds in their favour. I just wouldn't want to be the poor crunchy kid who actually gets sick :( I also don't want that kid near my kid. Just being real here.
And don't get me started on that quackery that is Jenny McCarthy and her vaccines-cause-autism crusade. The dude whose "research" she bases her position on was charged with intentional fraud and
medical misconduct for fudging his "study" on the relationship between ASD and immunizations. Highly irresponsible behaviour which ultimately led to the revocation of his medical license. Can we revoke Jenny McCarthy's license to speak about this topic?!? If only.
Sorry about the soapbox. I have a hard time with people in general who refuse to apply critical thinking to issues, but would rather simply hold on to a philosophy out of sheer stubbornness or fear, particularly when it places a child (who is too young to make his/her own decisions) at risk. That's just my passion. I probably missed a calling somewhere to be a social worker or something. A child's right to health and welfare supercedes a parent's right to religious or philosophical beliefs. Period.
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Hubbs & Baby L resting. |
She also didn't sleep more after the immunizations (as I had hoped she might). On top of that, she ran a mild fever (37.8 measured under the armpit) and had to take some of that awful sugary Infant Tylenol (white grape flavour, my a$$!). Colour me a worried momma. Thankfully, she didn't seem fazed once she got home. She was her usual, high-pitched-squealing verbal cheerful playful giggling self.
Today, we had her well-baby appointment with the doc. No concerns whatsoever. Despite my lower milk supply and continuing need to supplement, I have a kid who is at the top of the WHO growth charts (86-99th percentiles) - thank God! She has also (praise the Lord) been spared the cradle cap, eczema, thrush, major baby acne, diaper rash and other young baby conditions (thank You Jesus!). There weren't any lingering vaccine side effects either, which I am so thankful for.
**Warning: editorial ahead**
Did you know that there are mommas out there who choose to use homeopathic vaccines instead of the scientifically-proven, safe and effective ones? Sure sure, I am certain that there are proponents of the homeopathic immunizations who will cite sources that allegedly prove their effectiveness, but until I can read scientific (non-anecdotal) studies from unbiased reputable sources replicating these supposedly favourable results, I prefer to stick with the vaccines that actually do work. This is the non-crunchy side of my parenting, the logical side that does not understand how a homeopathic "vaccine" so diluted (30C "potency") as to no longer contain even a molecule of the offending "virus" can possibly be effective. I mean, it's impossible for the body to develop antibodies if there isn't anything to respond to. However, in the 21st century, the odds of contracting some of these diseases is pretty slim anyway, so I guess the homeopath who wants to believe that their nosode of distilled water is going to keep their kids from contracting rubella will likely still have the odds in their favour. I just wouldn't want to be the poor crunchy kid who actually gets sick :( I also don't want that kid near my kid. Just being real here.
And don't get me started on that quackery that is Jenny McCarthy and her vaccines-cause-autism crusade. The dude whose "research" she bases her position on was charged with intentional fraud and
medical misconduct for fudging his "study" on the relationship between ASD and immunizations. Highly irresponsible behaviour which ultimately led to the revocation of his medical license. Can we revoke Jenny McCarthy's license to speak about this topic?!? If only.
Sorry about the soapbox. I have a hard time with people in general who refuse to apply critical thinking to issues, but would rather simply hold on to a philosophy out of sheer stubbornness or fear, particularly when it places a child (who is too young to make his/her own decisions) at risk. That's just my passion. I probably missed a calling somewhere to be a social worker or something. A child's right to health and welfare supercedes a parent's right to religious or philosophical beliefs. Period.
btw, baby and J look uber cute!!! :)