Dear Daddy;

Thank you for singing to me every day, and for making me laugh with goofy voices and cute nicknames, and for letting me eat your nose and pull your hair. I'm sorry about all the poopy diapers and surprise pees, but I'm glad you let Mommy off the hook and are willing to get grossed out by my special stinky packages. My favourite times of day are when you come to cuddle me in the mornings, when we go for long walks to Science World, when you lie with me on the activity mat to play, and when you rock with me in the rocking chair.

I'm so lucky to have a Daddy like you, who wants to be hands-on and who likes to spend time with me. I'm also very blessed because you are a natural at being a Daddy, and you are also an excellent provider (I don't know what that means yet, but Mommy says you are that!). When I see you, I am so happy that I usually break out in a smile and a fart. When you sing me
El Paso and
Move On and some of your other favourite songs, I feel so safe and relaxed that I fall asleep.
I love you so much Daddy! Have a happy first Father's Day with me! :)
Baby Loquacious