Precious MOMents
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A random shot of my girl on her new playmat |
While I'm at it I might as well claim MOMentum as my own too! ;) I see this as the drive that propels moms forward and keeps them going on the rough days when sleep is lacking and baby is fussing and the day just doesn't seem to end.
Recently I've had a lot of great MOMents and a resurge in MOMentum. They both have to do with Baby Loquacious being four months old (officially!) and growing increasingly aware and alert; her big smile and belly laugh to indicate that she knows who I am and loves me charges me up, and I find myself building MOMentum to play and sing and dance with her just to illicit more smiling and laughing. This, even when the four month sleep regression means that I'm waking up again in the middle of the night to nurse, and naps are hard-fought victories, and Baby L seems to have limitless energy to play (usually when Mommy's at her most tired - it's an inverse proportion).
Likewise, she has come to develop a bond with me that evidences itself most prominently when she is sleepy or scared or cranky. During those MOMents, cuddling with her and having her nurse on my bosom (or even just nestle herself on it like a pillow) seems to bring her such comfort and relief that it makes my heart tingle. I also cherish the knowledge that out of everyone in the whole entire universe, I am the person that can offer her this reassurance and security. Nothing says I love you like an infant who is literally curling her body around yours to maximize body-to-body contact. That is one of my favourite MOMents of late.
Another would be that magical period of time when Baby L first wakes up and sees me, and recognizes me. First, there's a wide-eyed wonderment to her *blink blink* stare. Then, the ear-to-ear grin that accompanies that glimmer of recognition in her eyes lights up my world. After that, she will usually raise her arms over her head and do an excited little wiggle dance to tell me that she is so glad to see me, and it's just so irresistible that I absolutely have to pick her up immediately to give her a kiss and a big hug. Cunning, I know ;) I'm nearly convinced now that God made babies this cute, and gave them little adorable mannerisms such as these just to help mommies fall more in love with them over time.
Anyway, I digress. I am really loving being a mommy, despite the rough patches at the beginning (and they felt like they would never end, even though I know I really had it good compared to many) and the long days and short sleeps. Every day that I can hold my Baby L, I am reminded that she is a gift that God has entrusted to us, and Hubbs and I are privileged to be partnering with Him in raising a healthy, joyful baby girl. We longed for her and she was our answer to prayer, and so I try very hard each day not to take that for granted. I am also drinking in each MOMent, fully aware that these are fleeting and one day she will be a big girl, an adult, and I will be sitting with empty arms again wondering how it all flew by so quickly.
May your babies, big or small, give you some great MOMents to cherish, and may that point you to the One who makes it all possible. -xo