Friday's Face

As you may know, the Trader Joe facial antioxidant products that I had raved about in an earlier post ended up burning my face due to my sensitivity to Vitamin C acid. Since I had already had a prior reaction when using another direct sale product, my skin decided to punish me for putting it through hell a second time. This go round, the warm, inflamed scaly patches refused to be quelled with the LaNeige Water Night Mask.

What's a girl with sandpaper skin to do?

Enter Saadia Argan Oil. Made by Moroccan relatives of this local company, this pure and natural oil literally saved my skin. It was in full burning/dry/rough mode as of Wednesday night, so I dug up my bottle and applied a good dose yesterday morning, and by this morning, my skin was feeling 90% better. For good measure, I applied a second dose 😊 The redness is gone, the skin temperatures have returned to cool, the swelling is no more, and most of that awful bumpy texture has been replaced by smooth, moisturized skin. I figure that at this rate, by Sunday I should be back to my old healthy skin! 😊

Disclaimer: I was given my bottle of Saadia Argan Oil as a gift from Greg of Ferguson Moving, kind of as a "thank-you for your business" and a "sorry, my movers broke a bunch of sh!t" gift. He doesn't know I blog and that I'm raving about his family's amazing product, which I do plan to buy another bottle of once this one is done. Also, I will still use them as my movers in the future. 😊👍🏼


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