BLW - An Update on Foods
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Here are some of her most recent pleasures (and trust me, this girl loves to eat):
* spaghetti squash - hit & miss
* prime rib roast - hit
* green string beans - miss
* strawberries - hit & miss (I had to try this one again)
* water - hit
* pears - hit
* roasted sweet potato - hit
* peaches - hit
* chicken drumstick - hit
* madeleine - hit (yes, bad mommy moment - I fed her something baked and sugary!)
* veggie gyoza - hit
* egg whites - hit
* pork gyoza - hit
* pork tenderloin - hit
* homemade hamburger patty - hit
* homemade avocado chicken marinara - hit
* pan-fried fish - hit
* romaine lettuce - hit & miss
She has also become more communicative about what she wants or doesn't want, and if you try to tear her away from her food before she's ready, heaven help you. It's not pretty.
And did I mention how messy this whole thing is? It's alarming how she can manage to get food bits in her diaper, her hair, random crevices on her body, and all over her clothes. It doesn't even matter what food we're talking about, from toast to meat to veggies. I am constantly bathing her and cleaning up after her, and half the time I'm tempted to feed her nude on the floor just to save myself the headache (though I haven't quite done the nude thing yet, because getting her dressed again is another nightmare unto itself).
Her primary source of nutrition remains the boob (and supplemented formula), although I am suspecting that she will quickly be transitioning into solids as a primary food sooner than later, given that she really really enjoys eating and can pack a decent amount away when it's not even her main food supply.
Her supplement intake hasn't gone up, and if anything, has probably gone down since she was a newborn (she's still averaging 8-12 oz/day). She is, however, constantly wanting to go on the breast. Half the time I'm convinced it is a comfort thing, but whatever it is, she is getting very demanding about it, as in grab my breast and shove her head in demanding. She will also grab at the opposite breast part-way through feeding, if the first breast isn't full enough or something. I don't know what's going through her head, actually; I just know she will grab at one boob, then the other, and rip at my top to access the boob when she wants it.
She's my kid alright. *sigh*
Anyway, how are your BLW adventures going?
Oliver loves Amy's teething biscuits and blueberries right now. Pizza crust is is favorite teething toy right now, and we are working our way into meats. He is still nursed for main source and I do puréed when I'm lazy in the day. However he is not loving the purées anymore since he wants to chew and there is nothing to chew.
Thanks again for this list. It's my new shopping list. Xx
She's also keen on tomatoes and oranges and Graduates baby cereal (they're like little Cheerios but in a flower shape). Oh, and chicken! She *loves* chicken. I have to shred it into small pieces though, since my girl is learning to be greedy now and will grab a handful of food and shove it all into her mouth before starting to chew. A few times her gag reflex had to kick in, which always brings some anxiety to the adults at the table ;)
I'm always so flattered by your comments. You are the best!