Curioser and Curioser

Something is happening with my little baby.  She is not sleeping as much anymore (though she does still sleep and is getting a teensy bit better during the night), and now after a feed she wants to be entertained for a couple of hours rather than head straight back into a peaceful slumber.  I think she's getting more curious about her world.

She'll crane her neck to look around the room during this "alert time," and will spend countless minutes gazing into our faces or the lights in the room with her big round eyes.  When you lay her down on the Baby Einstein play mat (gift from Auntie VanillaCon and Uncle Ben), she'll look at her reflection in the mirror (a trait inherited from Hubbs) or listen attentively to the various globally-inspired melodies being broadcast from the glowing star toy suspended above.

Is she really just two weeks old? Sometimes I swear she's two months.

Selfishly, I love skin-to-skin time with Baby Loquacious.  Maybe it's the release of oxytocin in my system, or it's the feeling of her little hand pressed against my chest and her chubby cheek resting on my breast, but I find these moments so very special and sweet.  Often, however, the logistics of having to strip her down from her sleeper and onesie make the skin-to-skin process arduous, so we don't do full-on flesh contact most of the time.  However, since I usually nurse her without a top on, I often allow her clothed body to cuddle up against my flesh.  It might not be authentic skin-to-skin contact but it is still an intimate bonding time between this proud momma and her beautiful little girl.


Justice~! said…
Where is the inspiring story about the chinups??! Do I need to come on here and do a guest post? This is "Loquacious Family" after all...

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