All right, enough of this estrogen fest

Finally.  After all the "skin to skin", "what's my milk production like" and whatever other lady part-related stuff had been going on here, this is Baby L's dad here in a guest post to talk about how my daughter is growing up to be a REAL MAN.  So proud!!  In addition to hating shopping almost as much as her father, she is also trying to emulate many of the other ways in which his masculinity is UNCHAINED...but in a feminine way.

This photo occurred after I came home from the gym and told my daughter that her father busted out 20 chinups in a row.  As you can tell by the positioning of her hands my daughter obviously was ready to bust out a set of her own.  What enthusiasm!!  It would have brought a tear to my eye if I was capable of crying, but I can't.  Apparently according to "Baby's Best Chance" Baby L cannot either, another way she is just like her dad. 

Anyway, I'm nothing if not a responsible parent so I explained to her that she was a bit too young to actually do chinups, and that we'd revisit this in a year or two.

Awwww.   But note the complete lack of tears.  My little lady has gigantic cojones!!  Metaphorical ones of course.

I then walked off for a couple of minutes to prepare for my shower.  I have a pretty elaborate ritual for showering:
a) take off my shirt
b) do my best Frank Zane behind the back bicep pose in front of the mirror
c) (optionally) take off the rest of my clothes
d) shower

Imagine my surprise however when after step b), I looked over to see this happy little face!!

So if you're one of the many ladies (or James Wong) wearing a frilly pink dress while reading this blog you're probably thinking I made up this entire story just as an excuse to post pictures of my daughter.  First of all, I'd like to stress that this story in its entirety is true, Mrs L can verify.  Second, allow me to explain fatherhood from a man's perspective - no bastion of testosterone ever posts albums upon albums of his child no matter how cute they might be ("ooooo yes you *are* Baby L!!  Yes *you are*!!  Daddy loves ya!!").    That is what wives are for.

Here are the three points of this post:
a) my daughter is not only an aspiring lifter like her dad and her uncle Greg Braund
b) my daughter obviously has an eye for burgeoning bodybuilding talent
c) most importantly I did twenty chinups in a row yesterday.

Thank you for your time,


Jel said…
Hilarious; love your post! It's great to see it from the daddy's side. You should definitely be a guest blogger more often :)

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