Bag Lady

As all of you mommas know, sometimes it pays to be prepared.  So much so that the diaper bag can get pretty weighed down with things, "just in case."

My propensity to overpack extends to my diaper bag.  I like feeling ready for any emergency, so I try to cram in as much "stuff" as I can into my bag, even though it usually ends up being so heavy that the messenger strap leaves a red mark on my shoulder.

So what's in the bag? Everything - for me and for Little L.

- 3 diapers & wipes
- snacks (some fruit, some cereal, some yogurt melts, a Squoosh)
- water bottle
- extra set of clothes and socks
- bib
- adhesive placemats
- poopy diaper bags
- sunscreen & sunglasses (for us both)
- wallet, keys, iPhone, chequebook, pen
- 2 musical toys
- 4-6 small books
- Whole Foods grocery bag (the small foldable kind)
- facecloth
- perfume and refreshing face spray (for me)
- hand sanitizer
- Advil for Infants
- tissue

I know, right? That's a lot.  But seriously, I still have space left in my bag.  Why? Cuz I splurged and got myself a Timi & Leslie Abby Bag in Ocean Blue.  It's the first "nice" diaper bag I've owned; previously I was using a cheap backpack, then a plain Wal-Mart Graco one (until the zipper broke).  We also have a Safety First messenger diaper bag for Hubbs to use; he would never take mine out if he was going somewhere with Little L without me (something about it looking like a purse).

Anyway, this bag is amazing, and has about a billion different pockets for different things.  It also comes with a bunch of accessories (change pad, soiled laundry bag, insulated bottle pouch) that I no longer need, and a matching Mommy clutch (that I absolutely do need).  I love that I can put different things into different compartments; now I never lose track of where anything is! I also love that it's a gorgeous-looking bag, and I feel somewhat fashionable toting it around (vs. that ugly gray/green canvas backpack that made me look like a poor starving Uni student all over again).

I never thought I would care about my diaper bag, but since I plan to use this thing until it comes apart or Little L is old enough to carry her own bag, it's probably a pretty good investment for its price-point.  Until I started looking into diaper bags, I had no idea that this brand even existed, nor was I aware of all the other more expensive options out there! It's like a whole other world, really.  A world for fashionable yummy mummies, which I don't really belong to at all.  Except for this bag, cuz seriously, it really is yummy, and in this small way, I get to be part of the "club."  

What kind of diaper bag do you use? What features do you look for? What's in your bag, lady?


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