She Turned One

...and that's that.  Wow.  Time crawled for three months, then decided to race ahead of me and beam me into Feb. 2013.

We really didn't make a big deal about her birthday.  Baby L woke up, had a regular-ish breakfast at our favourite breakfast spot, and she played with her toys.  She napped, far too late into the day, and ended up having a late bedtime.  Her Nana and Ye-Ye were in town, so I suspect her excitement might have wreaked some havoc on her internal clock.

We did give her a birthday gift, but it's still in the mail, yet to arrive.  I'll post about it when it gets here.

We also did the cake thing, and Baby L *loved* her cake.  We learned that she's not a messy face-first sort of cake eater.  I think that comes from my side of the family ;)

Enjoying the birthday song and all the clapping.

Clapping along with us

Posing with the parents.  This was at like 9:30 pm.  We were exhausted!

Cautious first bites

This is pretty good! (Strawberry white chocolate layered cake)

Good enough to warrant two hands!

Cake coma about to hit...

Messy hands!

It was one of those days where, every time I thought of it, I would stop and try to remember what that first day with Baby L was like, when I was half-drugged, groggy, dead tired and also exhilarated at being a first-time momma.  Though we didn't do anything major, and I didn't take a bazilion pictures, the day was sweet.  I'm so glad we were able to spend it as a family!


viener said…
awesome series of photos. She's a cutie and fierce! :)
Mrs. Loquacious said…
Thanks! Just like her momma ;)

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