Mandarins & Blessings

Pic unrelated to post, but isn't she adorable?

My baby girl is obsessed with mandarin oranges.  Seriously, she will sit and inhale *two* oranges as a snack.  She'd probably eat more if I let her, but I'm trying to keep her from gorging.

I usually give them to her in segments, sometimes in half-segments.  I often remind her to chew, but she gets a little too, um, eager, and will only chomp down three or four times before attempting to swallow.  Amazingly enough, this has not caused any choking or even gagging.  I know that I have a great ability to eat quickly, and without a lot of chewing either, so maybe she comes by it honestly? Still, I would much prefer she'd at least chew it a few more times.  Hubbs has reported seeing evidence of not chewing in her diaper.  Ew.

Regardless, the consumption is getting out of hand.  We bought a case (5 lbs) last week, and save for the rotten ones (there are always a few rotten ones), she ate 90% of the box.  In less than a week.

Thankfully, she's equally spirited about eating other foods (like eggs, puffs, watermelon, raisins, etc) or else I'd be seriously worried.  

She's holding a silicone finger gum/toothbrush.  She loves chewing on that thing.

In other news, I am feeling very blessed at the moment.  We're all healthy again, Hubbs is a loving hubby and a fantastic provider, and Baby Loquacious is a contented little girl who is curious about life and learning quickly.

Sometimes I read blogs about babies who've passed, or ones who are very sick, and it always brings me back to a place of complete and utter gratitude to God for being so merciful and gracious to me.  I am wholly undeserving but so very thankful that He has not called me to walk those particular valleys.  I don't know how people do it, but by His strength.  And without the hope of Jesus? I don't know that anyone can.

May He be glorified in me, in us, as we walk with Him.  And may Baby L's life be set apart for Him.


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