BLW - The Last List

This will be the last time I do a list, because, frankly, I've run out of time to write out everything that Baby Loquacious eats, and she. eats. everything.  Some days she amazes me and everyone around her with her consumption.  One night, while my sibs and parents were watching her, she ate 2 bowls of noodles.  Granted, these weren't full bowls and they weren't heaping full, but still.  TWO. BOWLS. At nine months.  WOW.

Chicken shitake congee - hit
Watermelon - hit
Cauliflower - hit
Belgian Waffles - hit
Yellow carrots - hit
Baked salmon - hit
Green beans - hit
Fried egg - hit
Strawberries - hit
Pineapple - hit
Turkey stuffing - hit
Guacamole - hit
Spanish rice - hit
Refried beans - miss (just like momma!)
Apples - hit
Grapefruit - hit
Omelettes - hit
Pork BBQ ribs - hit
Italian sausage - hit
Pork & cabbage dumplings - hit

So yeah.  She eats everything.  And her appetite is insatiable.  Whoever said that babies will stop eating when they're full, LIED.  Mine will eat until she pukes.  I have had to cut her off the moment she slows down.

When she eats those Graduates Puffs, she eats 'em by the handful (the way her daddy eats popcorn), and when I give her larger finger-sized pieces, she will try to shove the whole thing in her mouth in one go.  She gets hangry (hungry + angry) when she doesn't get her food right away, or when I eat and I don't share.  This has led to Momma starting to eat in hiding.

Anyway, BLW FTW.  She isn't picky about her food and her appetite is incredible.  I highly recommend this to all mommies and babies :)


Well done! Ollie is now demanding all of his food be mommys food. No more combo of baby food and mommy food. Thanks for all of the lists. I have no clue what to give him, your lists give me the guideline I need.

Oh and I love Hangry!

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