My Grown-Up Christmas List

I'm not a big fan of theologically-questionable Christmas songs, but was meditating on some of the words from the Christmas tune, "Grown-Up Christmas List":

So here's my lifelong wish,
my grown-up christmas list,
not for myself, but for a world in need:

No more lives torn apart,
and wars would never start,
and time would heal all hearts.
Ev'ry one would have a friend,
that right would always win,
and love would never end:
This is my grown-up Christmas list.

Ignoring the fact that this song is sung to a fictional "Santa Claus," I realized that what is being asked for is an inevitability, not now but in eternity.   When we are in glory with our Savior, the Bible promises that there will be no more pain, tears, death or night.  In the presence of God (who *is* Love and from everlasting to everlasting), right will always be victorious and there is acceptance and significance for every child who has accepted Him as their Lord and Savior.

So really, the song is unnecessary: there is no need to ask for a grown-up Christmas list.  It cannot happen in this fallen, broken world where sin still reigns, but it will come to pass when Jesus returns in glory to bring us into His kingdom and all sin is eliminated.  And so, as we celebrate this blessed Christmas day, we have hope.  Emmanuel (God with us) has come, and His work on the cross guarantees that one day, there will be no more hurt and pain and war and loneliness and injustice.

A merry Christmas indeed!


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