
Recently, beautiful April from First Time Mom and Dad nominated me for (or awarded me) two awards: the Versatile Blogger Award and the Liebster Award.  Though I am honored and touched by her generosity and so very encouraged by her actions, I've already told her that I am going to opt out of "claiming" these awards and passing the goodwill forward.  The main reason for this is that I blog here mostly for my own pleasure, and then (hopefully) for the pleasure of the few who frequent my little corner of the blogosphere.  Personally, any extrinsic reward for this intrinsically-motivated hobby of mine tends to place an (arguably, perceived) pressure on me to write for others, which robs me of the joy that is derived from writing for expression's sake.  This is, of course, no slight on the many wonderful talented bloggers out there who enjoy giving and receiving blogging accolades for their work.  I just happen not to be one of them.

But do I appreciate the sentiment? Beyond words.  I am humbled that anyone gets anything of value or education or entertainment from my ramblings :)

Thank you to you for coming by and visiting, and allowing me to blather on (sometimes on soapboxes, other times from deep valleys of emotion) about myself, my girl, and life in this crazy world of ours.


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