A Non-Update

I went to see my doc today.  Good news? Baby *has* dropped and I'm not imagining things.  My pee remains protein and sugar free and my blood pressure is still perfectly normal.  Baby continues to kiss the doc's butt by being in the "perfect position."  Weight gain this week was only 1.5 pounds, in spite of the ballooning extremities.

The bad news? Baby must be shy or something because I'm still 1 cm (barely dilated), and not effaced.  This means that my little one's head is in the right position and "engaged," but only at a -3 position; she is far away from the birth canal, so much so that my doc had to really reach in there to try and find her head and the end of my cervix (it's still long).  Even if my doc and I wanted a membrane sweep (a more natural form of inducing labour), there was no way she could do this sweep because of my closed cervix.

Also, there isn't anything I can do for my swelling.  It is normal at this stage in the game (so I'm told), and since I don't have pre-eclampsia (yay!), there's little that can be done save for the usual drink lots of water, walk walk walk, and elevate the legs.

I'm due back at the doc's office on Monday if there isn't any progress by then.  Looks like my sis-in-law and sis (both of whom believe I'll deliver on the 29th or 30th) might still be right.  Not certain if they put $ on it either ;) But as for me, I continue to wait for God to call baby out.  Please Lord, let it be soon.  Amen.


Jo said…
We didn't put money on the date, lol. But I am sure you'll go into labour on the 29th and baby will come on the 30th! Our family loves the double birthdays so it's only fitting that our neice be born the same day ss Linda!

Take care and rest up. Still praying for you!!
Mrs. Loquacious said…
True. There *are* a lot of double b-days happening. If she arrives on the 5th, that's my dad-in-law's bday!
~Rain``` said…
Hang in there. As crazy as this sounds, ENJOY these last few days and get plenty of rest. Praying for your daughter's safe arrival.
Anonymous said…
Sending you...and the baby...lots of let's get it on labor vibes!!!!!!!!!
Mrs. Loquacious said…
Thank you ladies! I appreciate the sweet prayers and vibes and I'm hoping labour will come soon (though I continue to wait and it's Sun. night now).

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