If Cleanliness is Next To Godliness...

... well, let's just say I'm very, very human 😂

But I digress. Now that I'm in full-on Konmari Level: Hardcore mode, I am also more conscious of how my space looks. The dust forming on surfaces, the crumbs camouflaged onto the granite countertop, those greasy fingerprints all over the stainless steel fridge door...they bother me now. Even mismatched storage units are becoming an annoyance...but that's a work in progress.

We used to use a monthly cleaning service when Little L was tiny. Between nursing and boiling bottles and trying to find time to shower, the cleaners were a necessity. Not so much now, according to Hubbs. He figures the money is better spent elsewhere, and is apparently concerned that my cleaning muscles might atrophy from lack of use (how kind of him!). 😏

So now I've been doing a room here, a room there, and whenever I have the time, I tackle an entire floor. I don't think that at any given point is my entire space clean, but piecemeal is something I can afford in my schedule. The kitchen usually fares better than the bedrooms, and the poor loft is kind of on the bottom of my cleaning list because it's mostly reserved for guests.

Today, due to having childcare and no clients, I had a rare day "off." It was an excellent opportunity to clean unfettered by the interruptions of a talkative 7 year old only child.

And clean I did. I scrubbed the balcony off the kitchen area, did a full loft clean, and dared to make Hubby's bathroom presentable (and for some reason, his is *always* the grossest room in our home). I'm going to have all of our floors vacuumed before my sitter heads out. The only room that hasn't seen action is my bathroom, but that space is kept fairly tidy and clean, because I don't share it with a messy man 😂

I have to say, cleaning is actually a pretty satisfying experience, so long as I don't have to do it every day. There is something very cathartic about making a dirty area clean, and a messy area tidy. It's like therapy, but cheaper and with rubber gloves. I think that the act of cleaning is actually not that onerous, but for many people, when you feel like cleaning is just another chore in a long list of "must do's," the joy is taken out of any one of those tasks on the list, but especially the one that involves dirty toilets.

So today was a rare treat - an enjoyable, uninterrupted cleaning catharsis. I feel better now, and my home smells and looks a bit more decent, too!


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