OnAnOff Buddyphones - a Review
**(I composed this post almost a month ago, but due to recent events with our extended family, the publish button didn't get hit until now).**
We accidentally stumbled upon some awesome kiddo headphones recently. After arriving at the airport for our Christmas flight, we discovered that we had forgotten to pack Little L's Panasonic headphones. She had taken them out of the Stella & Dot Getaway (my fave travel bag) earlier, and I had forgotten to put them back.
Anyway, we ended up at the airport electronics store, desperate for a quick replacement. Originally, I would have opted for the cheapest pair possible, but who are we kidding? Airport mark-ups are insane, so it was a better value to get the good ones since either way, we'd be paying out the wazoo for them.
They had a huge selection of OnAnOff Buddyphones headphones in a multitude of colours. I grabbed a fuschia pair, which set me back $75 after tax, and promptly removed the packaging to get them flight-ready.
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