Christmas Right Up to 2017, or Another Trip to the Market

I am so excited that this year, the Vancouer Christmas Market is open on New Year's Eve, and they are also hosting a family-friendly event to ring it in!

On Dec. 31, from 11:00am - 9:00pm, they're continuing to run the regular market (hello roasted pork hocks and chimney cakes!), plus they're adding extra goodies for the littles, like free kids' caricatures, balloon animals/twists, and glitter tattoos from 11:00am to 5:00pm. The admission is $8/adult but kiddos under 6 are free, and I think my season pass is still good for this event (which is perfect since we still have carousel tokens to use up)!

Link to the entertainment schedule for the 31st:
Best part? It is a dry event, so they won't be serving up any pints, and that means that your kiddos won't have to navigate through crowds of inebriated grown-ups holding (and spilling) steins and spaetzel and pretzels on their little heads 😂

Unless the weather decides to take another snowy poop all over our plans, we will be there! Come join us, and support this fantastic annual market for one last hurrah in 2016! 


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