In 2015 - A Horoscope of Sorts

Back in my pre-baby and pre-Van days, I remember writing a blog post (on my old blog) to ring in the new year. In it, I included my personal "horoscope" for the year. It was an optimistic time; Hubbs' career was on an upswing and I was wrapping up my B.Ed. after-degree and looking forward to working again. We had only been married a scant year and a half, and were feeling invincible and ready to face our future head-on. Everyone in our respective families were healthy and happy, and life was good. It was easy to praise God because we saw His goodness so readily in every aspect of our lives.

As I look back on 2014, I can still see God's goodness, but it is like a hidden treasure that needs to be uncovered from the rubble. This past year I buried my daddy, and Hubbs buried his granny. My sister's marriage became irreparably broken, and Hubbs left the job that was his security for the past 8 years. These were all life-altering events that left us sifting through a mountain of emotional debris and finding ourselves in dry, desert places. And yet, God has been good, because He is always good. We managed to keep our health and raise a happy, joyful little toddler in the midst of our grief. Hubbs was blessed with an opportunity to pursue his dream job; he became a CTO, and is now building apps with partners who are more like long-lost brothers. The prayers of our faithful community blanketed us with peace during the darkest moments, and we were given the discernment to separate the wheat from the chaff in our friendships.

We have always known with unwavering faith that God is good, and He has never forsaken us. Because of this, our hope for 2015 is a bright sunrise, and we exit dark 2014 filled with optimism. It's time to let the light in and to shine brightly for Him.

Here is my 2007, and 2015, horoscope:

The future looks bright and full of hope.
The year brings many new and exciting changes,
and the surprises will keep you busy and
help you to grow. You will be challenged at times,
but you will endure and be stronger for them.
You will experience much laughter and joy,
love and happiness. There will also be some times
of disappointment and sadness, but nothing that
can crush your spirit or overwhelm the abundance
of blessing in your life. Live with an unapologetic
conviction and passion, and enjoy every moment to
its fullest. Learn from your mistakes a
nd make
every effort to be the best person you can be
in the upcoming year. Be a blessing to others and
you will find that you are even more blessed in return.
Your three words to live by: love, laugh, learn.

Here's to a healthy, happy, 2015!


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