Pointing Fingers, Or The Time I Got a Nominated For Something

Was it you? Or you?

Somebody nominated me surreptitiously, and I'm looking for answers. Vancouver Mom just emailed, and I am one of 30 local blogging ladies in contention for a big prize! Plus I've been invited to an event that has swag (and you know I'm a swag hag)! *swoon* Free food and a goodie bag. I am so there.

So it appears that my blog is going to go public! While that may seem painfully obvious to you already (since the internet is as public as you get, and digital footprints last for forever), I have always assumed that my readership consists of my Hubbs, my sis and sis-in-law, a handful of real-life friends, and 10 people from the blogging mommy world (3 of whom probably hate-read my drivel). My mom doesn't even frequent this space, so it's not like I was expecting to need to write my bio and be featured somewhere, on a site that is actually read by the masses! 

Now, you know that I have never been about the numbers and the accolades of blogging. This has always been my own private therapist's chair/soapbox/padded room, and I intend to keep it that way. And when I win all the internet blog awards in the universe one day, I will remember all of you little people who made it possible! ;) Just kidding; I'm not even expecting to win this one (but vote for me? I think you can vote starting in a week or so?..). Well, when I lose to some awesome, totally funny, does-her-hair-every-day momma with unwrinkled clothes, I will graciously concede that it was an honour to be nominated ... through gritted teeth. 

Anyhow, I digress. Was it you? 'Fess up, friend (or foe)! I'm off to write my one-paragraph bio (I had to ask for a word count limit -ha!), and start preparing my acceptance speech. 

And may the odds be ever in my favour :)


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