Elevation Station, or Why The Next Few Nights Are Gonna Suck

Little L is fairly sheltered from germs. We don't often play date, she hasn't attended any kiddie classes (and that "dance" one was a total bust so we quit), we frequently wash hands, and she isn't in daycare (the breeding house of all the worst children's viruses).  All of our friends give us fair warning when they're sick, and we do oft avoid them like the plague for a good long time.

So it pisses me off when Little L gets sick, which she is today. It's not like we haven't done everything in our power to protect her, save for shielding her in a bubble (which is probably Hubbs's greatest secret wish). I suspect a very brief visit to some new friends' place is the culprit, since it sounds as though they've been battling nasty viruses for the past 2 months. Maybe it was one of their kid's toys that Little L was handling? Or maybe the viruses were still lurking in the air there? Or perhaps it was our time spent outdoors on the weekend when the temperatures took a turn for the better, and not this home visit after all? 

Regardless, my little girl has some serious sniffles, the kind that doesn't affect her desire to play but renders her nose a leaky faucet and wreaks havoc on her ability to sleep on flat surfaces. The congestion started last night, and we didn't notice until she was already asleep. Every 1.5 hours or so (after two sleep cycles), she would suddenly call out, whimper, cry or fuss in her half-conscious state. She would then thrash and demand to nurse, settling only after I let her sleep on my arm with my breast as her paci. All night long, y'all. Oh, and did I mention that she didn't actually go to bed until 2:00 am? I am so tired.

Anyway, until this snotty situation clears up, I anticipate crap sleeps and late naps and a cranky child. I've set up her "Elevation Station" or elevated sleep surface (nursing pillow on top of my normalizer pillow) and she is napping there soundly at the moment. Of course, it's 6:45 pm, so tonight's going to be another long night. Also, ever try nursing a child who is propped up like that? I have to basically be on my side, on my elbow, and elevated by my own pillows in order to reach her mouth. Not exactly great sleeping conditions for my back either.

But seriously, there is nothing more awful and sad than a child who is ill. And I have great compassion for those whose little ones have conditions far less transient than the common cold. I hate when Little L is sick. This sucks!

Any suggestions or tips on how to help? Meds or naturopathic remedies? We are already doing Nose Frida and know about saline, Vicks rub, and humidifiers. 


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