
(Written on NYE)
At this time last year, Hubbs and I were fine-dining it over candlelight at a lovely eatery with mesmerizing views of our beloved city. I was heavily pregnant and eager to have some nesting time prior to baby's arrival.

Tonight, as I stared at the long fingers and large chubby feet of my sick, sleeping Baby Loquacious, it's hard to believe how much has happened in a mere 12 months. Even harder to believe is how quickly my baby is turning into a little girl!

When I was pregnant, I was blissfully optimistic and ignorant about what parenthood would entail. I'm sure I thought that tonight, someone would be babysitting Baby L while Hubbs and I enjoyed a night on the town. For sure, I could not have imagined that I would be cleaning diarrhea and puke off my little girl while trying to keep my own nausea and bowel issues under control. I would have thought foie gras and wine, not chamomile tea and soda crackers, to be the items on our menu. And reflecting on the year with Hubbs is a conversation yet to be had, since our exchanges today have mostly been about stomach flus and the various treatments for them.

But that really captures my year in a nutshell - what I expected never seemed to match with reality, and what I planned never quite worked out the way I had planned it.

And yet this is a good thing, a humbling experience, and an exercise in trusting in the One who knows yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Now that 2013 is upon us, I am optimistic. Sure, there may be moments of pain and grief and worry ahead, but so much more will there be moments of great joy and surprise and pleasure and delight! Because I know the One who holds the future, I am psyched to face it with Him as my guide and eternal companion. Bring it, 2013!!

(BTW this is a pic of a sick little girl. No time for fancy pics when there's laundry to be done!)


No, we never can figure out his plan. Some days I wonder why I even make plans or have dreams at all. He is in charge, I know that and only that to be true.

I as well look forward to 2013 knowing HE is in control, because so far he has exceeded my dreams and brought blessings beyond my imagination.

Happy 2013 blessings to you and hubs and precious baby L. Who by the way is just as sweet and precious in her sick photos as her spirited ones.

Love and prayers to you. April
Mrs. Loquacious said…
Have a wonderful 2013 April! :) May it be one that grows your love and your joy and your faith more than ever before!

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